The 42nd Annual SSF-IIIHS Int’l Conference
The World’s Longest Running Science and Spirituality Summit

Session 17
Thurs., Aug. 17, 2017 • 8:30 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. • $40
Moderators: a) Rev. Paula Guia Marco; b) Raquel Cachefeiro, PhD; c) David Barcos

Prelude:  Rev. Mikel Lizarralde8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. • Meditation led by Rev. Mikel Lizarralde, PhD, esteemed Spanish proof-of-survival medium

Program:  9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Dr. Judith K. Moore

a*) Judith K. Moore, PhD: “Clearing the Living Hologram of the Soul to Awaken Higher Consciousness” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Judith has journeyed deep into the mysteries of the Holy Grail as a visionary of Mary Magdalene. The keys to the realms beyond the veil have opened and revealed mystical gifts that heal the living hologram of the soul. This intensive workshop explores the nature of the soul and how trauma creates energetic blocks from past life times, and investigates the mysteries of the Mirror of the Soul and the Mirror of Mary Magdalene, through which all experiences may be accessed and cleared, opening the gifts of resolution of past life trauma. (See Session 5)

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Dr. Marilyn Parkin

b*) Marilyn Parkin, PhD: “Wellness Through Intuition” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Did you know that each one of us is equipped with an internal blueprint of our specific lives, custom-designed just for US! Are you aware that your wellbeing on every level needs to follow that blueprint? Intuition is a direct pathway to discovering and living your blueprint for optimal wellbeing! Learn how our internal blueprints hold our paths toward wellness, how your body “talks” to you, what an energy block is, how dreams turn into reality, and much more.

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Rev. Mikel Lizarralde

c*) Rev. Mikel Lizarralde, PhD: “Intuition Workout: An Intuitive Exercise-Based and Very Practical Workshop” (3 hrs)
Learn about your inner gifts and how to unfold and improve them by learning very precise and practical exercises that will open you up to a higher realm.

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Lunch & Learn:  Dr. Lilly Rahmann12:45 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. • Lilly Rahmann, PhD presents “Crystals and Stones May Influence the Energy System”

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*Simultaneous presentations: Select a or b or c