The 44th Annual SSF-IIIHS Int’l Conference
The Next Step Forward “on Earth as it is in Heaven”


Session 12
Tues., Aug. 20, 2019 • 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. • $40

Afternoon Calendar

PROGRAM:  2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sam Semir Osmanagich, PhD

a*) Sam Semir Osmanagich, PhD: “The Energy Phenomena of Bosnian Pyramids and Stone Spheres” (Workshop: 4 hrs)
Stone spheres have been discovered in Costa Rica, Mexico, Easter Island and Bosnia. What is their common ground? Physicists, electrical engineers and sound engineers have detected and measured several artificial energy phenomena on the top of the Bosnian Pyramids: energy beam (electromagnetic waves), ultrasound, infrasound and beneficial Schuman resonance. Pioneering steps have been taken in Pyramid Science, bringing us a step closer to deciphering their purpose and to their connection with Tesla’s energies.

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Barbara Stone, PhD

b*) Barbara Stone, PhD: “Helping Loved Ones Cross” (4 hrs)
Sometimes our loved ones get stuck between the worlds when they die. This workshop helps resolve the attachments that hold people back so they can gently cross into the Light.

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Kyriacos Markides, PhD

c*) Kyriacos Markides, PhD: “The Emerging Holistic Vision of Reality” (Lecture: 1 hr)
Explore the monumental forces of the last hundred years that are ushering in a New Enlightenment and the long overdue reconciliation between the best of science and the best of religion — the fulfillment of Father John Rossner’s prophetic vision.
“Shamans, Saints and Sages of Eastern Christianity: Exemplary Models of What We May Be” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Professor Markides shares his experiences and encounters with the extraordinary world of the sages and miracle workers he has encountered in his lifelong quest. There is a clearly identifiable and experiential mystical path within Christianity that has been practiced for hundreds of years, not only in ancient monasteries and convents, but also among lay people living in the midst of the modern world. Topics include the way to know God; the spiritual laws that govern human existence; the destiny of the human soul; the different stages one must go through to attain union with God; and much more.

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*Simultaneous presentations: Select a or b or c

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