The 39th Annual SSF-IIIHS International Conference

August 1 to 10, 2014

Hyatt Regency Hotel
1255 Jeanne-Mance
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

International College Week1 Schedule

C1 = Conference 1  •  CW = College Week  •  C2 = Conference 2  -  Sx = Session x

*Simultaneous presentations: Select a or b or c or d

Mon., Aug. 4

College Week
Session 1
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

a) Emily Markides, PhD
b) Fadel Behman, PhD
c) Joyce Hawkes, PhD


8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. • Marilyn Rossner, PhD, EdD, leads a morning Meditation followed by the International College Orientation, Enquires, & Information Meeting

Chartres Cathedral detail
Dr. Christine Page

a*) Christine Page, MD: “The Way of the Sacred Woman” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Today, women are walking alongside men in many areas of society, especially industry. The average woman, however, is unaware that her strength, wisdom, and leadership skills are sourced from very different places then those of a man, due to the uniqueness of the body. Her power comes from beneath her feet, her wisdom from her womb, and her clear sightedness makes her an excellent leader. Ultimately, she is humanity’s transformer following the cycles of the moon and earth. Yet, when she’s out of touch with this rhythm, she can feel depressed and may become ill, which is her soul’s way of calling her home to the ways of the sacred woman. Come and learn to embody these ways in an interactive workshop.

Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo

b*)  Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo: “We Are Stardust and the Garden Is Within!” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Our DNA is a pathway within a cosmic Internet communicating luminosity, shaped into forms and results within our lives. The field of the mind is alive with information. When we acknowledge the power of thought, speech, and action, pristine waters are revealed. Venerable continues the discourse introduced in her lecture (See C1-S6).

Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin

c*)  Jeffrey L. Fannin, PhD: “Using Our Own Human Ability to Access Higher Consciousness” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
We are vibrational beings living in a vibrational universe. Our thoughts are powerful and are the key to our ability to achieve higher consciousness and deeper spirituality. Science is the bridge to understanding these abilities. The energy shifts in the brain and body, as recorded through QEEG brainmapping, offer greater insight into this mysterious realm. Dr. Fannin will present a number of informative cases of amazing healing, as he dives deeper into the concepts introduced in his lecture (See C1-S3).

Lunch & Learn

1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. • The Creator’s 12 Super Foods with Susan Campbell-Fournel, MEd (Lunch not provided)

Susan Campbell-Fournel, MEd


Mon., Aug. 4

College Week
Session 2
2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

a) Cairo Rocha, PhD
b) Madan Bali, PhD
c) Alba Carrascosa


1:45 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. • Music with Jacques Gravel, bass trombonist with a flair for the experimental and a penchant for acoustic sounds

Jacques Gravel
Dr. Effie Chow

a*)  Effie Chow, PhD: “Health, Wealth, and Peace for Self & Planet — Part 1 of 2” (Workshop: 4 hrs)
Dr. Chow presents an expanded Qi-energy workshop experience in this follow-up to her Chow Qigong lecture (See C1-S6). (Continued in CW-S4c)

Dr. Joyce Hawkes & Helen Folsom, CHT

b*)  Joyce W. Hawkes, PhD, & Helen Folsom, CHT: “Awaken the Healer Within — Part 1 of 2” (Workshop: 4 hrs)
Starting at the cell level and the wisdom of your magnificent body, take a look at the active process of healing. Explore practices for clearing, self-healing, and entering deep states of awareness. See evidence from scientific studies as well as feedback from people around the globe. Examine beliefs and myths surrounding our human potential to heal ourselves and others. (Continued in CW-S7b)

Juan de Dios Carrascosa & Mayte Padrón

c*)  Juan de Dios Carrascosa: “Science and Consciousness: The Great Power of Understanding” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Discover what modern science has revealed about Consciousness and its mysteries. Find answers to some of life’s inner-most questions.
Mayte Padrón: “The Power of the Word” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
There is a language beyond language that betrays our subconscious. When we learn to truly listen to ourselves, we open a very powerful inner door towards the Creator. Our words are the passwords that open this door. By learning how to use them, you can change the course of your life.


Mon., Aug. 4

College Week
Session 3
8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

a) Raymond Moody, MD
b) Yahserah Soleil
c) Rev. André Chevalier


7:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. • Mini-Concert with Janine Mealhow-Ambrose, pianist, composer, and teacher who has a special touch with music

Janine Mealhow-Ambrose
Contemplating the Afterlife

a*) Panel: “Life After Death” (2 hrs)
Distinguished panellists include Dr. Raymond Moody, celebrated psychiatrist and NDE expert; Dr. José Miguel Gaona, Spanish forensic psychiatrist and NDE researcher; Dr. Rajiv Parti, pain-management specialist and NDE survivor; Paul Perry, documentary filmmaker and NDE author; Dr. Marilyn Rossner, retired professor of special care counselling and internationally-acclaimed intuitive

Yaserah Soleil

b*)  Yaserah Soleil: “Shamanic Sound Healing” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Yahserah has a background in Cranio-Sacral Healing, dance, and Kundalini Yoga. She can feel where energies are blocked and helps to restore the flow. “I love being part of Shamanic Sound Healing! … Sound is such a powerful tool. It can be used to expand, dissolve, call back to source, free, activate, and bless.”

Adhi Moonien Two-Owls

c*)  Adhi Moonien Two-Owls, PhD: “Global Shamanism in Action: How To Be an Agent for Peace and Change in the World” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Shamanism is a pre-religion that defines ways to navigate the seen and unseen world. It is found in the spiritual roots of people all over the globe. This presentation will focus on some of the interesting ways that Shamanism can be used to support change and resolution. Adhi discusses the “dreaming” techniques used by traditional shamans, and shares new ways that incorporate the technologies of the day. She will also shed light on some of the scientific aspects of these techniques and why they are effective in bringing about change.


10:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. • Mediumship Demonstration with Spirit Messages featuring Marilyn Zwaig Rossner, EdD, PhD

Dr. Marilyn Rossner


Tues., Aug. 5

College Week
Session 4
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

a) Jeffrey L. Fannin, PhD
b) K. Markides, PhD
c) Joyce Hawkes, PhD
d) Raymond Moody, MD


8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. • Music with Busta Akong, folk guitarist who taps into the spiritual and contemplative power of music

Busta Akong
Dr. Fadel Behman

a*)  Fadel Behman, PhD, MSc: “Love, Consciousness, and Global Peace” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Inner peace is a state of spiritual higher consciousness, where the Grace of Divine Love is associated with bliss, serenity, and contentment of the whole person. Genuine world peace can only be achieved when inner peace expands from the individual level to include families, communities, and ultimately the whole planet. Holism — seeing everything as one connected whole — requires significant social change with deep transformation of consciousness. A well-informed, committed, and spiritually-aware group of people, who are developing themselves personally and spiritually, with a sense of community, and who aspire to live lives of dignity and service, can move humanity forward towards a peaceful and compassionate global unity.

Paul Perry

b*)  Paul Perry: “Afterlife” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
“Near-death experiences are spiritual events of staggering magnitude that have the power to change our attitudes toward death and life.” Director Paul Perry presents “Afterlife,” his documentary film about NDE’s, featuring noted researchers Raymond Moody, MD, PhD, and Jeffrey Long, MD.

Dr. Effie Chow

c*)  Effie Chow, PhD: “Health, Wealth, and Peace for Self & Planet: Part 2 of 2” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Dr. Chow presents an expanded Qi-energy workshop experience in this follow-up to her Chow Qigong lecture (See C1-S6). (Continued from CW-S2a)

Dr. Rajiv Parti

d*)  Rajiv Parti, MD: “Eternal Truths: Forgive, Love, & Heal” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Dr. Parti guides us on the journey he mapped-out for us in his lecture (See C1-S3).

Lunch & Learn

1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. • Crystals and Stones May Influence the Energy System with Lilly Rahmann, PhD (Lunch not provided)

Lilly Rahmann, PhD


Tues., Aug. 5

College Week
Session 5
2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

a) Dr. José M. Gaona
b) Susan Campbell
c) K. Markides, PhD


1:45 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. • Music with Busta Akong, folk guitarist who taps into the spiritual and contemplative power of music

Busta Akong
Dr. Raymond Moody

a*)  Raymond Moody, MD, PhD: “Shared Death Experiences: An Update” (Workshop: 4 hrs)
As people die, their loved ones who are gathered around often have their own out-of-body experiences and visions of light. Sometimes, they empathetically co-live the dying-life review of someone who passes away. Dr Moody will describe the common characteristics of shared death experiences and discuss their startling implications for proof of life after death.

Elaine Valdov, PhD

b*)  Elaine Valdov, PhD: “Become a UN Peace Ambassador” (Workshop: 4 hrs)
Peace and human rights activist, Dr. Elaine Valdov details how you can participate in the UN’s global peace-building efforts, and in fulfilling its Millennium Development Goals.

Dr. Lilly Rahmann

c*)  Lilly Rahmann, PhD: “Crystal Skulls and Meteorites” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Dr. Rahmann tells us about the power of the meteorites. Learn how to connect with crystal skulls, and how to use skulls and meteorites for meditation.
Alex Doman: “Mindful Listening: Sound, Neuroscience, and Self-Actualization” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Brains are fundamentally alike. It’s our experiences that shape who we ultimately become. This presentation will explore the science of sound and the practice of mindful listening to transform your brain and your life, for greater joy, love, and understanding.


Tues., Aug. 5

College Week
Session 6
8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

a) Barbara Stone, PhD
b) Emily Markides, PhD
c) R. Cachaferio Gil, PhD


7:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. • Mini-Concert with Shamanic Sound, featuring Yahserah Soleil and Kai Lehrke, who lead you on a deep personal journey

Shamanic Sound
Dr. Robert Alcorn

a*)  Robert W. Alcorn, MD: “Compassionate Depossession” (Video Demonstration: 2 hrs)
This is a 65-minute video of a healing session with a psychiatric patient. During the procedure, multiple discarnate beings are encountered and removed from the patient. Dr. Alcorn discusses the phenomenon of spirit attachment and the procedure of compassionate depossession as a possible treatment for suffering patients.

Kyriacos Markides, PhD

b*)  Kyriacos C. Markides, PhD: “The Forgotten Path of Christian Spirituality” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
For the last thirty years Dr. Markides has explored, through the method of participant observation, the lives and teachings of extraordinary Eastern Christian mystics, saints, and “miracle workers” from around the world. There is a distinct experiential spiritual path within Christianity that many westerners assumed existed only in Hinduism and Buddhism. Today he will expose us to this mystical Christian spirituality, which, while little known to Western seekers, has been practised for hundreds of years in places like ancient monasteries and convents, as well as in the midst of modern cities.

Rev. Jennifer McSween

c*)  Rev. Jennifer McSween: “A Course In Miracles®: Changing Your Experience of the World by Changing Your Perception of the World” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Rev. Jennifer examines the radically different spiritual teaching that is A Course In Miracles. She focuses on the Course’s seemingly abstract central ideas, and its unique perspective on miracles. Put those seemingly abstract ideas into actual practice and experience miracles instead of misery as a way of life.


Wed., Aug. 6

College Week
Session 7
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

a) Cheryl Lam
b) Marilyn Rossner, PhD
c) Adhi Moonien, PhD
d) Paul Perry, MD


8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. • Meditation with Rev. André Chevalier, gifted student of Dr. Marilyn Rossner and author of three books on life-after-death

Rev. André Chevalier
Cairo P. Rocha

a*)  Cairo P. Rocha, PhD, OMD: “The Energy of Food” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Dr. Rocha presents an overview of the energetic aspect of foods as seen by Chinese, Japanese, and Tibetan medicines.

Dr. Joyce Hawkes & Helen Folsom, CHT

b*)  Joyce W. Hawkes, PhD, & Helen Folsom, CHT: “Awaken the Healer Within — Part 2 of 2” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
This investigation into the beliefs and myths surrounding our human potential for healing carries on. (Continued from CW-S2b)

Rev. André Chevalier

c*)  Rev. André Chevalier: “New Moccasins” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
With winds coming from the four directions, Rev. André and his guides help us find the perfect moccasins. Learn how to use the sacred fire to bridge the spirit world, and to find and augment your personal and communal power. From novice to professional intuitive, Rev. André will guide your mediumship development in the native ceremonial way.

Dr. Raymond Moody

d*)  Raymond Moody, MD, PhD: “Mystical Figures of Speech” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
People who have had mystical or spiritually transformative experiences typically use figurative language to express what happened to them. In fact, one might say that figures of speech are the language of spiritual transformation. You already know about such figures of speech as metaphor, simile, oxymoron, alliteration, and onomatopoeia. Learn about a host of others that are closely connected to spiritual life! Actual exercises will improve your writing and stretch your mind. Learn about how figurative devices such as epizeuxis, praecision, and adynaton can actually induce profound episodes of transcendent consciousness.

Lunch & Learn

1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. • Yoga: The Secrets of Anti-Aging with Sri Madan Bali, PhD (Lunch not provided)

Sri Madan Bali, PhD


Wed., Aug. 6

College Week
Session 8
2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

a) Olga Mandodari, PhD
b) Raymond Moody, PhD
c) Cairo Rocha, PhD
d) Susan Campbell


1:45 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. • Meditation with Rev. André Chevalier, gifted student of Dr. Marilyn Rossner and author of three books on life-after-death

Rev. André Chevalier
Dr. Ibrahim Karim

a*)  Ibrahim Karim, PhD, DrSc: “The Spiritual Path of Health and Harmony through BioSignatures” (Workshop: 4 hrs)
BioSignatures are Linear Diagrams that enter into resonance with the patterns of energy flow in the body organs. The subtle energy patterns of the organs are accessed through BioSignatures placed in the body’s energy fields to create connection through resonance of shape. The flow of energy through the patterns enters into resonance with the functions of the organ they represent as similar patterns attune (much like the tuning of musical instruments), causing a harmonic amplification that restores the correct balance within the organ. Participants will be given a set of BioSignatures and demonstrations of their use.

Dr. José Miguel Gaona

b*)  Dr. José Miguel Gaona: “Physical Evidence of Consciousness in Our Environment: Prayers, Wishes, and Meditation” (Workshop: 4 hrs)
Dr. Miguel Gaona follows-up his lecture (see C1-S6) and answers these questions: Can we influence someone’s mind with just our thoughts? Can we change someone with love? Can consciousness change physical matter around us? What does consciousness leave behind us after we die?

Dr. Olga Mandodari

c*)  Olga Mandodari, PhD: “Creating Your Personal Harmonic Meditation Rug” (Workshop: 4 hrs)
Create your own harmonic meditation rug following Vaastu Shastra precepts that will resonate with your name or with your soul sound (a birth nakshatra). This mediation rug will help you to create a space that is in total harmonic resonance with your being and your surroundings.

Dr. Janine Mealhow-Ambrose & Sri Dr. Madan Bali

d*)  Janine Mealhow-Ambrose, PhD: “How to Communicate With Animals” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Dr. Ambrose shares her animal communication skills. There are no coincidences; every animal that crosses our path is speaking to us! Knowing that our thoughts and words emanate out to the Universe makes it easy to comprehend how we can connect with everything.
Sri Madan Bali, PhD: “A Quantum Journey into Healing, Health, Happiness, and Wholeness” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
The Yoga Vedanta master teacher and scholar shares a lifetime of accrued expertise on the therapeutic applications of yoga in healing.


Wed., Aug. 6

College Week
Session 9
8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

a) Robert Alcorn, PhD
b) David Barcos
c) Marilyn Rossner, PhD


7:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. • Mini-Concert with Shaykh Abdul Haqq, Naqshbandi-
Sufi leader, and Shams Al Habib, Egyptian Vocalist and Al-Oud player

Shaykh Abdul Haqq & Shams Al Habib
Dr. Barbara Stone

a*) Barbara Stone, PhD: “Extra-Terrestrial Implants” (Lecture: 2 hrs)
Dr. Stone presents experiences of tracing the origins of problems her clients brought to therapy to interference from beings not indigenous to this planet. Sometimes the intention of the ETs is to help, sometimes to harm, and sometimes simply to study human anatomy and physiology. She’ll then present her Soul Detective® protocol to release these implants.

Dr. Sofia Villamarin

b*)  Dr. Sofia Villamarin: “The Energy That Balances” (Lecture: 2 hrs)
Most pathologies start with an energy imbalance that manifests in the physical. The quantum revolution changed the world’s view. Quantum Medicine defines illness as a dysfunction. The patient is regarded as a functioning whole, and external agents such as social demands and emotions must be taken into consideration.

Shaykh Abdul Haqq

c*)  Shaykh Abdul Haqq: “Mysticism and Healing” (Lecture: 2 hrs)
Experience ancient techniques and practices to awaken truth, with the distinguished Naqshbandi-Sufi leader and scholar.


10:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. • Psychic & Spirit Demonstration with Rev. Marilyn Rossner, Rev. André Chevalier, Rev. Tom Doiron, and Rev. Alma Grimaux

Crystal Ball


Thurs., Aug. 7

College Week
Session 10
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

a) Sri Madan Bali, PhD
b) Adhi Moonien, PhD
c) R. Cachafeiro Gil, PhD
d) Lilly Rahmann, PhD


8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. • Music with Jacques Gravel, bass trombonist with a flair for the experimental and a penchant for acoustic sounds

Jacques Gravel
Hasu Patel

a*)  Hasu Patel: “Vedic Music’s Interconnection with Higher Consciousness” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Hasu Patel describes the connection between the chakras and Vedic music, as well as the effects of this connection.

Dr. Mary Swaine

b*)  Mary Swaine, PhD: “Colours of Love” (Multimedia Workshop: 3 hrs)
Love is at the root of everything we do. Problems arise because there are different kinds of love, and because people love in different ways. Dr. Swaine demystifies the differences, and suggests ways to meet their challenges.

Dr. Emily Markides

c*)  Emily Markides, PhD: “Building Sustainable Communities” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Explore the essential ideas for a transition to a spiritual and environmental century by investigating global ecovillages and ecocities as guides to sustainable communities. Ecovillages are defined as human-scale, full-featured settlements in which human activities are harmlessly integrated into the natural world in a way that is supportive of spiritual human development and can be successfully continued into the indefinite future. They provide a model to earth restoration and to finding balance in human systems that can work harmoniously with the systems of nature.

Dr. Lilly Rahmann

d*)  Lilly Rahmann, PhD: “Crystal Healing” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Learn how crystals can affect your health and your environment in a positive way. The workshop will start at 9:00 a.m. sharp; the door will close at this time. Please try to arrive a few minutes early.

Lunch & Learn

1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. • Food and Mood with Susan Campbell-Fournel, MEd (Lunch not provided)

Susan Campbell-Fournel, MEd


Thurs., Aug. 7

College Week
Session 11
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

a) Robert Alcorn, PhD
b) Constant Madon, PhD
c) Lilly Rahmann, PhD
d) Francine Jarry


1:45 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. • Music with Peter Byberg, professional multi-instrumentalist and intuitive sonic healer

Peter Byberg
Dr. Barbara Stone & Dr. Robert Alcorn

a*)  Barbara Stone, PhD, and Robert Alcorn, MD: “The Hidden Ones” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Stories of genies are woven throughout our mythologies. Known in the Middle East as the Djinn (Hidden Ones), these fire elemental beings were banned from this dimension when humans were created. In this workshop, Drs. Alcorn and Stone report on their conversations with the Djinn during shamanic journeying, and their clinical experiences of working with clients under attack from Djinn.

Rev. Bernard Grimaux

b*)  Rev. Bernard Grimaux, PhD: “The Lemuria Civilisation” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Learn about the history and dharma of Lemuria (or Mu), the advanced civilisation that disappeared after the great cataclysm, half a million years ago. Did this spiritually-oriented civilisation leave a rich heritage? Was all that wisdom and knowledge safeguarded, or lost forever?

Dr. Raquel Cachafeiro Gil

c*)  Raquel Cachafeiro Gil, PhD: “The Apple Tree Spirit” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Many readers find Dr. Raquel Cachaferio Gil’s book The Apple Tree Spirit to be a source of personal power for healing, creating wealth, finding peace, and bringing new meaning into their lives.

Dr. Ibrahim Karim

d*)  Ibrahim Karim, PhD, DrSc: “Mapping the Afterlife” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Explore the vital, emotional, mental, and spiritual planes of nature: the BioGeometry multidimensional energy system; methods of information exchange within the planes (i.e., sound, word, and shape); the nature of energy and matter beyond the physical universe; and time and space beyond the physical world. Be ready to navigate the afterlife.

Lunch & Learn

5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. • Benefit Psychic & Spirit Tea — Mini-readings with gifted SSF & Visiting Intuitives (extra registration)

Dove carrying a rose in its beak


Thurs., Aug. 7

College Week
Session 12
8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

a) Emily Markides, PhD
b) Shaykh Abdul Haqq
c) Adhi Moonien, PhD


8:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. • Mini-Concert with India’s Hasu Patel, distinguished woman sitarist, and disciple of sitar legend Ustad Vilayat Khan Saheb

Hasu Patel
Dr. Janine Mealhow-Ambrose

a*)  Janine Mealhow-Ambrose, PhD: “Achieving Self Mastery” (Lecture: 2 hrs)
Dr. Ambrose shares nine principles for transforming patterns created in the psyche. From the physical basics of nutrition through the metaphysical power of thought, this is a guide for reconnecting with the self in today’s changing world.

Shams Al Habib

b*)  Shams Al Habib: “Sufi Meditation & Energy Healing” (Lecture: 2 hrs)
Shams brings a wonderful opportunity to both seekers of spirituality and those concerned with the healing arts to make a determined leap forward. Learn about Sufi meditation and energy healing, “Zikr” and “Hadra” (remembrance of the Divine), and classical “Qaseedah” (Rumi-esque songs and Egyptian music of spiritual enlightenment).

Dr. Zacciah Blackburn

c*)  Zacciah Blackburn, PhD: “The New Earth, the New Humanity, the New Paradigm: Manifesting One’s Highest Potential” (Lecture: 2 hrs)
We are in an era of profound transformation and realization. Dr. Blackburn reviews aspects of what is happening in this global transformation, what to expect, and how we can use our individual and collective vision to embrace and embody it. Each of us must take part.


Fri., Aug. 8

College Week
Session 13
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

a) Elizabeth Cosmos, PhD
b) Susan-Campbell, MEd
c) K. Markides, PhD
d) Rev. Bernard Grimaux, PhD


8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. • Music with Peter Byberg, professional multi-instrumentalist and intuitive sonic healer

Peter Byberg
Dr. Elizabeth Cosmos

a*)  Elizabeth Cosmos, PhD: “What Does Love Have To Do With It: Part 1 of 2” (Multimedia Workshop: 3 hrs)
“Ama-Deus” is an energy healing system that accesses Love for healing. This multimedia presentation will focus on how important it is at this time to step into and work from the heart. Love is the force that holds the Universe together, and the act that brings hearts to the truth. It’s an offer of freedom to all souls to be what they are. (Continued in C2-S3b)

Susan Campbell-Fournel

b*)  Susan Campbell-Fournel, MEd: “Food for Higher Consciousness” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
This workshop will focus on the nutritional practices inspired by Divine love and grounded in current nutritional research. Practising clean, colourful, “slow food” habits will lead to inner peace and global understanding. Susan will take you on a journey to explore foods that will bring health and harmony. Become an enlightened nurturer of your body, the house of your soul, and begin to experience the power of colourful, clean WHOLE FOODS.

Philip Shepherd

c*)  Philip Shepherd: “Coming Home to the Ground of Your Being” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
We are taught from childhood that mind and body are separate. This lesson is not merely inaccurate — it has created a way of being that is disconnected, anxious, and off-balance. Our primary challenge is to recover the harmony of our being. Philip’s original techniques enable people to reunite their conscious thinking with the deep-dwelling intelligence of the body, and gently opens a door to the experience of wholeness. In the process, he provides tools to last a lifetime.

Dr. Constant A. Madon

d*)  Constant A. Madon, PhD: “The Tiers of Love” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Everything has a frequency and vibration — especially love. Dr. Madon defines three key levels of love: self love, the love between two people, and the love of God (or Higher Power). He explores each of these levels and teaches participants to raise their vibrations, which, in turn, raises consciousness and carries each of us to Divine Love.

Lunch & Learn

1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. • Stones and Energy with Lilly Rahmann, PhD (Lunch not provided)

Dr. Lilly Rahmann


Fri., Aug. 8

College Week
Session 14
2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Fadel Behman, PhD


1:45 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. • Music with Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, sacred sound channel and master sound healer, trained in shamanic traditions

Dr. Zacciah Blackburn
Dr. Fadel Behman

Fadel Behman, PhD: “Light, Enlightenment, and Higher Conscioussness” (Plenary Session: 1½ hrs)
The blueprint of the Divine Self is stored in The Sacred Heart. The Sacred Heart is the source of limitless light, unconditional love, and compassion. Its activation creates a portal for higher spiritual light, love, and higher consciousness, which, in turn, activates your Divine Light Body, and illumines your human energy field. Integrating the energy of your Divine Light Body into the physical will help to expand awareness; enhance mind, clarity, and wisdom; and open the door to the highest potential for living in global peace. Connection to your Divine Light Body promotes personal evolution, and inspires the fulfilment of the Divine purpose in the evolution of Planetary and Universal Consciousness.


Fri., Aug. 8

College Week
Session 15
3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Marilyn Rossner, PhD

Dr. Marilyn Rossner

International College Graduation Ceremonies & Reception
— with refreshments and music (2 hrs)

All college participants are urged to attend this opportunity to socialize. Come and enjoy!
